You wouldn’t go to the airport for a holiday without knowing where you wanted to holiday.
Punting ( betting) for most is just that.
When you plan a holiday you have a destination in mind, and what you want to see and do there.
Punting needs the same detail approach, that means no bets without a plan.
If you have a selection method that gets 3 winners every 10 bets, that needs a plan that will show a profit, which is different to a selection method that gets 2 winners every 20 bets, but has high odds selections.
Just as you wouldn’t go to Thailand for a snow skiing trip, same with punting.
You have the selections or tips source you are happy with, that is a big part of the process sorted.
However to make it pay you, a money plan is needed, yes I am talking of a Staking Plan, how to place the correct staking to make you a profit over a series bets.
Ideally we hear easy, level staking, however this is not always the best use of the bank, and not always the best return.
Sure it is a simple approach, but the road of least resistance is not usually the best choice.
If you want simple, then punting may not be the game to play.
If you want a challenge, fun and profit, played correctly, then punting can deliver.
Can I make a killing?
Sorry, there is no magic bullets, but it will be a lot of enjoyment over many years with equal financial reward if you treat it like a business.
Proplan staking is a money plan to make the most return as possible, for a pre determined risk.
So you can plug in a bank figure you are prepared to risk, and a few other details and the session is set to start advising you the amount to stake on each upcoming race or sporting event.
We know if we hit our percentage of winning bets over let’s say 100 bets we should hit our target of close to 500 profit, if we had a race target of 5.
There are of course caveats, and they are the odds must reflect close or over the divisor you set, and the winning selection are evenly spread.
As you can see above, risking 100 to possibly hit 500 profit over 100 bets is a nice return.
Sessions don’t have to be over 100 bets they can be however short or long you want, even over a day only and then restart the next betting day fresh.
This Proplan staking, is portable, in that you can use it on your android or Apple phone, tablet, Mac or PC.
You can place a few bets at home on your pc, slip out to the pub, and continue on your phone the staking session. [we don’t recommend, punting or driving whilst drinking.]
Whether your odds range is low or high you can set the divisor to accommodate the risk and strike rate.
The cost, what’s the cost?
Lots if you don’t use a consistent staking approach, the scatter gun approach which I am sure we have all been guiltly of, is the most costly and damaging.
Pro plan staking, is a cloud software and we are selling the first 50 copies with a big discount and a 5 year licence, so you will see it is a very inexpensive aid to improve you betting experience.
Wealth Warning:
A poor selection process or tips will not be aided by a staking plan, sorry to burst that bubble.
However this staking plan will enhance the return of a selection method that maybe returns a small profit on level staking even a slight loss.
Today, why not start on a new road, yes maybe a bit boring, but the fun is spending to profit.
No plan is in fact, a plan to fail.
Get order into your betting, grab ProPlan Staking, at the best offer, huge saving and 5 years licence.
You can use multiple sessions at the same time covering sports, horses, and dogs.
OK, here are the nuts and bolts of the plan.
Pro Plan Staking, what is it?
Suits a selection method with a Good Strike Rate relative to odds.
Is for Backing selections.
Horses, Dogs, Sports.
This is a Cloud based software.
Use on phone, tablet, PC or Mac, on the move with you.

The Cloud Software, this is on a 5 year licence.
It is portable, you can use it on your Windows computer, Mac, iPad, Smart phone, android tablets.
This is NOT A BOT, it does not place bets, it tells you the stake you need to bet the next selection.
What does it look like?

OK, how does the staking work in this software?
This is a set target staking plan, where we are looking to win a set amount when you strike a successful bet.
So to keep it simple, say we are looking at winning target of 5.00 points (could be $£ or Euro) each race.
So, if the successful bet is the 3rd bet we will clear 15.00 profit (3 times 5 race target), plus recovery of the losing stake money we have bet.
Now, for the important part, you need to set a divisor, this is a backbone of the method. The divisor must be close to your average winning odds, what does that mean?
If you are getting winners at 3.50, then your divisor is best set at 3.00, close to the average odds, don't put 7 or something completely non related.
Why is the divisor figure important to be close to the winners odds, because this is use to calculate the next stake to be bet. And if it is too high then the staking is not going to produce a profit when it is hit.
And if the divisor is too low, your staking will increase too rapidly and scare the pants off you.
Setting Divisor, be realistic.
How is the Actual Stake per individual bet arrived at?
Your bet (stake) is worked out, by Target Profit in our case here 5.00, and if it is the very first bet in a series it is simply Target divided by Divisor (in our example) 3. T5/D3 = 1.67 (Rounded up to 2.00) so our stake (bet on the first race or event is 2.00.
If that wins, great the next bet will bet the same. If however the target is not reached because the winning odds was below the 3.00 then we will have a slight loss from the target and we will attempt to get that back also in the next bet.
If it loses we will then bet adding the lost stake of 2.00 to the maths.
So LS2.00 + T5+T5 = 12.00 divide by D3 = 4.00 is the next bet.
This is an example, Target 5 and Divisor 3.00

You don't need to do all this workings out of course as the software does it for you in a blink of an eye.
You place the stake amount on the next race/event and then wait for the result.
How is this different to Stop At A Winner staking?
The answer is very simple, with SAAW we are looking at a Profit Target on Winning race, only, so if we have 5.00 as a target in SAAW, it means that if the successful bet is hit after 5 bets, our target is only 5.00 plus loss recovery of stakes.
In ProPlan Staking we are 5.00 per race so after 5 races if a winner is hit we make 25.00 as that is 5.00 per race.
Hence yes more risk, higher reward.